Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Favorite Quotes From "Boy Meets World"

Clerk: I'm sorry, we don't give that kind of information.
Eric: Really? Well...
[produces $1]
Eric: Perhaps my friend Mr. Washington will help you change your mind.
Cory: We're gonna have a child? Wait, we've only kissed. I mean, I knew I was a good kisser, but *wow*.

Mr. George Feeny: I love you all,
Mr. George Feeny: class dismissed.
Mr. George Feeny: Believe in yourselves. Dream. Try. Do good
Topanga: Don't you mean "do well"?
Mr. George Feeny: No, I mean "do good".
Eric: So I said to myself, 'Kyle,'...
Alan: Kyle?
Eric: That's what I call myself.
Chet Hunter: I got two stupid boys. Y'all embarrass me in front of my dead friends

Eric: How great is this.
Jack: Do you know how great this is?
Shawn Hunter: This is great.
Angela Moore: I'm going to go over and look at this painting, entitled "Go With Him, He's Cute."
Jack: Eric?
Eric: [dressed like Noah] No, not Eric, not anymore
Jack: OK that's fine... ok, what is your name *now*?
Eric: Plays With Squirrels
Eric: See, duckies are good, cuz not only do they give you that non-threatening sense of security, but you can feed 'em crackers and you can ride 'em. See, duckies are the horsies of the ocean. No, I mean they are.
Cory: Okay, someone explain to me about duckies before I hit him with a spoon.
Amy Matthews: It's wallpaper.
Topanga: It's adorable.
Alan Matthews: It's for you room.
Eric: Mr. F... F... F... Feeny
Mr. George Feeny: I love the Feeny call
Eric: [singing, twirling Cory around] For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny.
Eric: [the candles are knocked over, which light the curtains on fire] The curtains are on fire, the curtains are on fire, the curtains are on fire, which nobody can deny.
Eric: [firefighters start cutting the door down] The firefighters are chopping down the door now, the firefighters are chopping down the door now.
Cory: My brother is a moron.
Eric: Which nobody can deny!
[Eric returns from the future, where Cory is called Rory]
Eric: Rory?
Cory: Reric?
[In the future, Eric goes by the name Plays With Squirrels]
Mr. George Feeny: Mr. Matthews?
Eric: Mr. Squirrels.
Cory: Eric?
Eric: Plays With.
Topanga: We're supposed to see other people.
Cory: I'm supposed to see other people, you're supposed to wait until I die.
Eric: My grades aren't good enough to get me into college?
Mr. George Feeny: Your grades, my friend, aren't good enough to get you a Slurpee.
Cory: It's hard to imagine you as a boy. Did your parents call you Mr. Feeny?
Cory: Would you be my girlfriend?
[Topanga kisses Cory]
Cory: Yes or no?
[Mr. Turner and Mr. Williams break up a fight between Cory and Shawn]
Jonathan Turner: Hunter? Matthews?
Eli Williams: Did you guys know you were fighting each other?
Shawn Hunter: Cory and Topanga aren't together anymore.
Mr. George Feeny: Yes, I know, I too read Teen Beat, Mr. Hunter.

[Cory is writing a note]
Turner: Matthews, you're amazing, you have no idea what's going on, and yet you're still taking notes. Watcha writin'?
[Cory stuffs the note in his mouth]
Turner: Watcha eatin'?
Eric: Lose one friend, lose all friends, lose yourself

Eric: I married a moose.

Shawn Hunter: [Cory and Shawn are discussing Cory and Topanga's recent breakup] Cory, Topanga went out with another guy last night. I'm really sorry, man.
Cory: So we're the only two people in the world who still have hope for Topanga and me, and you're throwing in the towel?
Shawn Hunter: [nods] Sorry, Cory.
Cory: All right.
[turns away]
Shawn Hunter: You okay?
Cory: Yeah, sure. It's a strange feeling, though.
Shawn Hunter: What, knowing that it's finally over between you and Topanga?
Cory: [turns back to face Shawn] No, being the only one who knows it's not.
(this one is my absolute favorite i love it)

Eric: Oh my God! He killed Kenny!
Cory: We'll always know he was this tall.
Topanga: [Topanga reveals that she is not pregnant, just dieting because she believes she is fat] That's why Eric and I went on a diet.
[points to Eric]
Eric: [stuffing his face with food] I'm not fat. I'm pregnant.
Shawn Hunter: [Cory and Shawn imagine themselves as old men; they are in Chubby's] So how long have you been married?
Cory: What?
Shawn Hunter: [louder] How long you been married?
Cory: Who?
Shawn Hunter: [shouting] How long you been married?
Cory: They *want* you to take the rolls!

Okaay so those are my faves Enjoy! And if you've never seen Boy Meets need too!

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