Monday, November 15, 2010

Am I one...?

Heyy everyone. Life stinks for me right now. I just need to place my thoughts in order. People are annoying why dont they teach you in school about what to do when bullied non-stop? I mean its not that I'm being bullied like fighting but its like a rude bully type. I mean I dont think they would enjoy what I go through. Whatever I honestly hate everyone that does this to me its just so rude. I mean no one should be treated like this especially by a guy they thought was a friend. Would any of you go off and call a friend a rude word. I dont care is they say it is a compliment. It is rude a wrong. I am not even mean to them. I don't even know them. And just because they know my name does not give them the right to do this to me. It just isn't fair and i cant do anything about it. He wont have my trust anymore, he wont have my friendship, he wont have my care, he wont have my thoughts, and he wont have my laughs, love, or life! I can't take it, is this how he treats all his friends? Like crap?  Yeah well when I am successful in life, they will most likely be in jail. It's just how these types of things go. The nice ones live better, the rude live terrible. So go luck in life you three. You'll need it!

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