Monday, November 15, 2010

If I Die Young....

Would people remember me? Would they care? Would they be sad, happy, prepare to kill themselves?  I wish I could know. I feel like no one would care right now. I feel like it wouldn't be noticed. I feel like some people would cheer. I want to know if he'd cry over this, or only over the girl of his dreams. I want to know if they would wish they didnt make me sad before. I want to know if those two boys would wish they hadn't called me names. I want to know if those girls were actually my friends. I want to know if the girl who I think is my best friend but actually cares more for a girl who loves CHINA and sits next to her in lunch *cough cough* would cry forever or get it over it a few seconds later. I also want to know if the girl obsessed with mustaches will cry. I want to know if these people actually care! At times it seems like they don't...



  1. Trust me I care Kiley.
    Whenever you feel like I don't,
    just know I do.
    Even if we aren't friends anymore,
    you will forever be in my heart.
    I hope you consider me a very good friend.
    Some of my friends don't know you.
    Well they should.
    If my friends don't like you,
    then they should re-think meeting you.
    Your always there for me, so I am always there for you you.
    I love you Kiley <3
    No homo-ness.

  2. ^ that e=right there is totally....BREA!!! and ill telly ou what i feel in the texttttttssss kayy?? well i already told you the other stuffy's sooo yeahhhhhh lollll lmao haha hehe not sure but i think im kinda hyper today........................HI!.......BYE! lol talk to you later alligator!! well maybe in a while crocadile!


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