Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Your Biggest Fan...

I can't stop thinking about him. Especially because he's not home right now. I wish I didnt miss him but I do. I just dont get why he is with her again... She doesnt even like him. If you dont know who I am talking about its Matt if i havent said it well hes going out with Kayla again. She keeps saying she is only going out with him so he wont bother her. I mean is that a good reason to go out with someone??? i dont think so lol...whatever.


  1. :)I cant wait till he comes back! im gonna tell him and i hope he breaks up with that bitch! lol

  2. thank god he did although its to bad it was her not him...oh wells haha but today he told me he likes a girl but she never notices him that way...hmm what could this mean??? :D


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